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Posted by
Big Papa
Posted On Monday, August 29, 2011 at 12:01 PM
It is with a heavy heart today that I think about God finishing the chapter about our dear Granddaughter's time here on earth. 8 months is such a short time for her to have made such an impact on our lives. Of course we are very saddened by the loss that we've experienced but the optimist in me won't let me stay sad for long as it amazes me to look back over this time and see how evident it was that God was very much present through this whole ordeal. Time and time again things would just fall into place and just work out better than if we would have been trying to make our own plans.

The service for Delia was amazing and just one of the many things that will live on in our memories of this special child of God.
I feel honored to have been able to have a small part of it with her eulogy and I just wanted to share that small part with those who were not able to attend.
HI, for those of you who may not know me my name is Mike Vandercar, I am Michele’s father. I’m also proud to say that I am Papa to six lovely granddaughters and one grandson, I’m still hopeful of that boy girl ratio being improved as my wife Verna and I are anxiously awaiting the arrival of another grandbaby early next year.
My grandchildren have gotten to know me as quite a storyteller which I enjoy very much even though I can’t get Levi to believe all the stories I tell them.
With this said I would like to tell a true story to my newest Granddaughter Delia. Some of you may already know this story but I would welcome you to listen in, for if this story had not unfolded the way that it has we would not be here today.
Once upon a time there were two young people we will call them Mike, the son of Robert & Helen Jean Vandercar, and Verna the daughter of Albert & Verna Elser, my mother-in-law who I’m happy to say is with us here today. One day Mike said to Verna “You’ve Really Got a Hold on Me” and asked her to marry him. She said Yes, “I Will”.
The next thing you know they had three sons, Joshua, Luke & David. Just when they thought that their family was complete God surprised them with another child, Michele, affectionately known to me as “Michele My Belle” and what a blessing she was to this young family.
Mike went off to work and Verna stayed home to raise their family, that’s what you did in those days. Michele’s dream for the future was to grow up and be a Mom just like her Mom. Seasons passed until one day Michele met the love of her life one summer at Camp Lutherhaven. This relationship flourished and faltered but eventually took root and lead us to August 2, 2008 one of the most bittersweet days of our lives as we gave up our little girl to James Rockhill so that they could start their new life together.
Again time marched on as it always does and soon Michele & James announced that they were going to add to our list of grandchildren and the next thing we knew we were headed to Georgia to welcome Eliza June into this world.
After several visits to Georgia we got the news of a deployment to the other side of the world and shortly after that news of more grandbabies on the way in Indiana, Minnesota and Korea. Unfortunately as my father once said “God does not always want the old dried up flowers, sometimes he takes the first blooms” We lost our Minnesota grandbabies as some of the first blooms and shortly thereafter learned of the plans that God had in store for Delia also.
As heartbreaking as this was for us the many “Words of Love” shared has helped us to remember that this is truly God’s plan and even though we do not and may never know his purpose we will openly accept it and “With a Little Help From My Friends”, which I’ll paraphrase to say with a lot of help from our dear friends and family, we will persevere and get through these troubling times.
Now I would like to direct my words towards my newest Grandbaby Delia, Oh how I wish that I could hold you on my lap and tell you how much your Mommy and Daddy love you and how much they have done for you but it is not to be. I will have to rely on my dear friend Jesus to hold you on his lap and tell you a true story of the best Mommy and Daddy that he gave to you.
Delia please know that Nana and Papa love you very much and are looking forward to meeting you and spending eternity with you in God’s house.