You still have that?
Posted by Big Papa | | Posted On Saturday, March 27, 2010 at 3:12 PM
Nancy has a post on her site with the Hayden's modeling their FFA jackets so I thought I would join in.

I'm a little further away from the days when I wore mine and the zipper is a lot further away from being able to be zipped up.
Looks a lot better from the back.
Of course in my defense I had to tell Verna that when I bought my jacket I was also wrestling in the 95 lb. weight class. I'm much more muscular now.
Verna's comment was "Yes, Sandy we still have that"
and what makes me laugh (aside from that first pic) that you must have known right where it was...cause my post hasn't been up that long!
i have no doubt that you still have that as you are a vandercar, but the fact that you have moved it several times is what cracks me up!!!
I can't take all the credit. Verna knew right where to go to get my jacket.
You rock we have to see Meemaw's in her FFA sweetheart addition!
Too Funny